Delicia Preston
About Delica (a.k.a Dee)I am a dedicated Yoga Instructor with a deep desire to welcome students into an environment of
acceptance and exploration. I bring students into the awareness of their “Anatomical Uniqueness,” while guiding alignment of their
bodies. We are all unique, so I encourage students to drop any thoughts of comparison. By using our breath, a calm and relaxing environment is created. When we connect with our breath, we quiet our minds and still our bodies as we prepare for mindful movement.
It is through this pairing that we come into the knowledge of who we really are. My passion is in the instruction of any Yin practice. But I also have a love for instructing students new to Yoga and curious about getting their journey started with the basic foundations that give them what
they need to progress in their development.
My moto is “all are welcome!”